Chickamauga Lock Replacement
Chattanooga, TN

Willow Creek Dam
The project consisted of upgrading and repairing the tower outlet infrastructure as well as installing a new monitoring and control system.

Hinton, WV
The Bluestone Dam, DSA Phase 4 Project consists of the Base Contract with eight Award Options; the major scope of work includes the installation of 278 High Capacity Multi-Strand Rock Anchors. Work includes working above water on an elevated platform and utilizing multi-sized crane support from elevated platforms and barges.

McCurtain County, OK
The Pine Creek Dam originally became operational in 1970 with a 7,510’ long and 124’ high earth fill embankment. The outlet works include an intake structure, 13-foot diameter conduit, a 48-inch water supply and water quality bypass, and a 36-inch water supply static head line. Flow through the conduit is controlled by two 5’ 8” by 13’ hydraulic slide gates operating in tandem. The dam has been given a Dam Safety Action Class (DSAC) rating of 1 – extremely high risk – as a result of seepage and piping along and into the outlet conduit. Major features of work on the project include a secant pile cutoff wall, chimney filter, downstream invert filter, and 12' diameter steel conduit liner.

Cacapon State Park – Upper & Lower Dams
Berkeley Springs, WV
The project consists of rehabilitating the upper and lower dams of the recreational lake to meet the structural criteria of the Probable Maximum Participation Storm model. The 366 feet wide, 34 feet tall lower dam was initially constructed in the 1930’s by CCC workers. The 550 feet wide, 36 feet tall upper dam was built in the 1970’s to supply water for irrigating the park’s golf course. Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) overtopping protection was produced onsite and placed via telescopic conveyor.
Work at the lower dam consists primarily of installing roller compacted concrete (RCC) reinforcement to provide overtopping protection. RCC was produced with a Gears Inc. AccuMixTM 750XB continuous mixing, portable pugmill plant and delivered to the point of placement via telescopic conveyor.
The upper dam construction activities include increasing the holding capacity of the lake by raising the crest 1.7 feet, adding an earthen buttress on the downstream toe for strength, and installing drains to capture seepage.

Olmitos & Garcias Creeks Watershed
Rio Grande City, TX
The project consists of rehabilitating the existing earthen dam to meet high hazard criteria by abandoning the existing principal spillway conduit and replacing it with a new 42" concrete pressure pipe conduit and by expanding and protecting the auxiliary spillway with roller compacted concrete (RCC). Initially constructed in 1963, the existing structure consists of a 310 feet by 30 inch principal spillway conduit in a 1460 feet long by 40 feet high earthen dam and 200 feet wide auxiliary spillway.

Island Creek Local Protection
Logan, WV
The Island Creek Local Protection Project is a flood damage reduction project designed to control flooding along Island Creek upstream of the confluence of the Guyandotte River and Island Creek.

New Creek Site 14 Rehabilitation Project
Keyser, WV
The New Creek Dam was constructed in 1963 with a 114’ high earth fill embankment, concrete riser with 30” principal spillway pipe and earth auxiliary spillway. The dam covers a drainage area of 3,204 acres with water surface area at normal pool being 40 acres.

Rita Bridge to Midway Plaza
Rita Bridge to Midway Plaza upgrade includes major rock, excavation, excavation support systems, general roadway construction, structural concrete and the relocation both wet and dry utilities.

Holly Hill Water Reach
Holly Hill, SC
Holly Hill Reach Water Transmission Main includes site clearing, excavation, boring and jacking, horizontal directional drills, and the installation, testing and commissioning of the water lines.

Earling to Rich Creek
This work included the removal of guardrails, paved roadway surfaces, existing sub-base materials, and the re-shaping of ditches to original contours. In addition, this work was adjacent to the Guyandotte River corridor and thus, sediment ponds, silt fence, earth berms, and other items were required to control silt in accordance to permits.

Bee Run Recreational Dam
Sutton, WV
The turn-key delivery of Bee Run Recreational Dam required geotechnical analysis, levee earthwork, and marine construction.